Peatland carbon stocks survey needs EXPERTS!

Calling all peatland experts….

Julie Loisel or Angela Gallego-Sala, the PAGES C-PEAT Steering Committee, have prepared a survey to assess the past, present, and future of peatland carbon stocks and fluxes. All peatland experts are invited to participate. 

They are using an expert assessment approach to identify and quantify the main drivers of change in peatland carbon cycling (temperature, moisture balance, sea level, nitrogen deposition, fire, permafrost, land use, atmospheric pollution). Tropical and high-latitude regions are treated independently.

Everyone who completes the survey will be offered co-authorship on a community paper highlighting the main findings from this survey. They anticipate submitting the manuscript to Nature Geosciences in 2019.

To participate:

1- download this C-PEAT_ExpertAssessmentSurvey

2- read the instructions and fill out the 3 survey questions (it’s okay if the Table format changes as you fill them out)

3- save your file as a PDF

4- follow the link below to submit your final PDF and answer the census questions

5- complete the survey by December 05 2018.


Do not hesitate to contact Julie Loisel (julieloisel at tamu . edu) or Angela Gallego-Sala (A.Gallego-Sala at exeter . ac . uk) if you have questions or comments.

On behalf of the C-PEAT steering committee, they thank you for your participation.